作者:Eugene Vinitsky

Personal Rules of Productive Research
Caveats(['kæviæt] 警告;说明) and intent([ɪn'tɛnt]意图;目的;含义):
Painstakingly extracted via trial and error, ever evolving. Mostly an exercise to think through prior mistakes and avoid making them again. These are my personal rules, they might not work for you but it’s invariably a mistake when I stray from them. Given that I’m not the world’s most successful researcher (I’m not too shabby either though) maybe you’re better off taking advice from someone else. On the other hand, I would contend that these rules are universally useful.

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作者:Eugene Vinitsky



This is targeted at MARL researchers (with an emphasis on transportation researchers in MARL) but is somewhat generic except for some of the specific expected skills.

It is quite hard to understand what a successful first year or two of graduate school looks like. This document is intended to help you set a standard so that you are neither too hard on yourself, stressed out about meeting some imaginary expectation that you could not possibly achieve, nor too easy on yourself because you misunderstand how much hard work is required.
On the other hand, if you’re struggling to hit these expectations we should have a chat to figure out what’s going on and find a way to help you! The goal is for you to succeed and these expectations are intended to be a useful guideline, not a source of stress.

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学习下别人如何写的golang的concurrent map实现并于官方版本的进行对比。接下来的内容来自于作者的readme—-在Go 1.9之前,go语言标准库中并没有实现并发map。在Go 1.9中,引入了sync.Map。新的sync.Map与此concurrent-map有几个关键区别。标准库中的sync.Map是专为append-only场景设计的。因此,如果您想将Map用于一个类似内存数据库,那么使用我们的版本可能会受益。你可以在golang repo上读到更多,这里 and 这里

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