摘要: 装完还没用过:)
Continue readingshuwdown wsl
wsl --shutdown
find out wsl file location
wsl --export name target_file
wsl -l
select vdisk file="your location" compact vdisk
Abstract: mainly record some IT document of page site
name | url |
markdown doc | https://www.markdown.xyz/basic-syntax/ |
原文地址: https://garlicspace.com/2022/03/19/iso8583%E5%8D%8F%E8%AE%AE/
摘要: 因为最近从事的项目跟iso8583有关,所以在搜集相关知识
Continue reading安装 Miniconda
Continue reading背景
本地想更改项目代码的绑定的github链接,但是repo的url变了。remote: This repository moved. Please use the new location [new location]
的警示。因為你的git連結位置有變動因此要修改本機端的git remote位置。另外一种场景下载别人的代码库,并做修改最后推到自己的github,这个github repo
Knowledge isn’t free. You have to pay attention. 🧠🧠🧠
email: zxc741208584@gmail.com
homepag: https://kirk-zhang58.github.io/
github: https://github.com/kirk-zhang58
湖南工学院 2014.9 - 2018.09
bachelor - 无机非金属材料学士学位
接入信息 2019.9 - 2022.6
ProjectName: 阿凡达幼儿园管理系统
Job description: build a WeChat Mini Programs to record some of student activities.
HSBC Tech China(contractor) 2020.6 - present
as a software-engineer solving xxxxxxx
commonly using shell script figured out testing cases
keep testing envirement stable ,and located root casuse of testing cases that tester put them in
associated with software vendor to change system setup, more like source code and configuration
familiar with debit card card system of MasterCard